Journey into the heart of the Amazon Rainforest, where the Monkey Tree Frog, known as Phyllomedusa bicolor, lives amidst the lush greenery. This remarkable frog offers more than just its beauty; it shares Kambo, a natural secretion used by indigenous tribes for healing and spiritual purification, a tradition passed down through generations.

For centuries, tribes such as the Matsés have utilized Kambo as a traditional medicine to cleanse the body and spirit, expel negative energy, and promote positive transformation. Although Kambo is the frog's natural defense against predators, it carries a much deeper meaning for humans. The secretion is collected in an ethical manner that ensures no harm to the frog, which is then safely released back into the wild. When applied to the skin, Kambo works to detoxify the body, boost the immune system, and enhance both physical and spiritual well-being.


The tale of Kambo is a powerful reminder of the intricate relationship between human beings and the natural world, illuminating the invaluable knowledge held by indigenous peoples and the critical importance of preserving these traditions.

Learn how Kambo is ethically and harmlessly collected from Phyllomedusa bicolor.

What makes this story even more compelling is how it reflects a profound connection between humans and nature. The indigenous peoples of the Amazon respect the healing powers of their environment, preserving these practices with deep reverence.